Twitter for Teachers and Educators
2nd (10:40) and 4th (2:20) Blocks
This session is applicable for all educators and administrators. In twenty minutes we will go over what Twitter is, why it is a valuable tool for any professional, and how to leverage Twitter to improve your instructional practices. This session looks at the platform as a tools for inter-professional communication, collaboration, research and support. Participants will leave with knowledge (and a handout) of how to sign up for an account, Tweet from their account, search for and follow colleagues from around the world, and engage in topical hashtag conversations.
Notes: This session is appropriate for all levels of technology users. You will need any device with internet access including: staff HP, iPad, personal laptop or smartphone. Devices will be available for those that forget.
Lesson Planning With SAMR:
2nd (11:15)) and 4th (3:00) Blocks
This session is appropriate for all staff involved with lesson design. Technology tools/skills in all most all curricular contexts are intended to replace less effective instructional methods or increase the rigor and relevance of the existing curriculum. It should not constitute an increase in the teacher's daily workload. SAMR is a simple construct for incremental technological integration advancement and thereby increase the teacher's impact over time. We will look discuss the four levels of the SAMR model generally, self-asses our current level of integration, and how to utilize the framework in lesson planning. Participants will leave with knowledge (and a handout) of how to slowly and intentionally increase the level of technical tool integration into their curriculums.
Notes: This session is appropriate for all levels of technology users. You will not need devices however participants may choose to have tools to access their lesson plans.
Lose the Scantrons
1st (8:45) and 3rd (12:15) Blocks
This session is appropriate for all staff involved with teaching, testing, and assessing. Get off the paper copy habit, accommodate modifications and grade easier by testing with Google Forms. Google Forms is a part of the larger Google Suite. It was originally conceived as a survey collection and analysis tool (a capacity in which it serves very well) but through a simple tweak on the back end serves as a great test/quiz tool. That addition is a script called Flubaroo that is added to the student response spreadsheet. Flubaroo will grade, analyze and report your students' work on any M/C, T/F, Scale, Matrix, etc... question (sorry, no essays or short answer). Participants will leave with knowledge (and a handout) of how to design a test/quiz in Forms, add the Flubaroo script to a spreadsheet, and grade student responses.
Notes: This session is appropriate for all levels of technology users that frequently use standard question formats to assess students' mastery. You will not need devices however participants may choose to have tools to follow along.
Stop, COLLABORATE, and Listen
1st (9:30) and 3rd (1:30) Blocks
This participant driven session gives teachers already working to leverage technology for instruction to collaborate, share, and support one another. Participants will offer and solicit ideas for/from peers about upcoming lessons or units.
Notes: No devices required. Participants should come equipped with an upcoming lesson or project idea. Be ready to hear and offer suggestions to your peers.
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