Tuesday, January 27, 2015

HelpDesk is UP and Running!

I wanted to make you aware of a new resource available to you and the students this semester; the IT Help Desk. This is a group of tech-savvy UP students available every block of the day to respond to any and all of your classroom technology needs. They will be trained by the county's IT staff, the media center staff, and myself on how to do most everything between plugging you your smart board to helping Mitzi & Cyndi conduct asset inventory, to building a website for you, to videoing a lesson for you, to assisting you with troubleshooting when you try a new lesson. What they are not able to do they will quickly forward to Mitzi and Cyndi to determine a resolution. 

If you or a student need help, emailcbhelpdesk@ncmcs.netor fill out the Help Form located on theStudent & Staff tabs of the Union Pines website. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

PD January 14th

All sessions in room 102.
ThingLink Session: 30 min into each block >> ex. 1st block session begins @ 9
Collaboration Sessions: 1 Hr into each block >> ex. 1st block session begins @ 9:30


ThingLink sessions will start 30 minutes into each block.

ThingLink is a great new tool that we can start using today in our 1:1 classrooms! Essentially ThingLink  allows users to import a still image and annotate that image with “hot spots” that hold either static photo, text, or video (one caveat here is that YouTube is currently not available to our students as it is for teachers) and present them to the viewer as pop-ups.

The ease of use is GREAT. I was first shown ThingLink by an elementary student here in Moore County that was building one while he was presenting during the county-wide PD we held here at UPHS. Teachers and students get free accounts by 1-click login using their .net MCS Google ID. Then you’re ready to start creating.
Here is on I created in roughly 5-10 minutes:



I: Make terms/definitions/identify activities more interesting and memorable for your students. Definitions than contain visuals are much more likely to be retained and recalled by our students.

II: Have students identify various parts of an image; like bones in the hand, trough and peak of a business cycle / soundwave,

III. Items within a spreadsheet / table that give specific insights to the reader; ex. cotton production in 1820 v cotton production 1830 indicates the widespread application of the cotton gin, the point at which diminishing marginal return occurs in production, etc..

IV. Take a screenshot of their work and use ThingLink to explain the choices they made during their work.

Calling Techy Teachers!

Collaboration sessions will start 1 hour into each block

Are you a talker? Do you learn more from a conversation than a “sit and get” session? Are you interested in getting feedback or support for what you are already doing in your courses?I piloted this a few months ago in first and 3rd blocks and the teachers really enjoyed helping each other come up with ideas for more engaging lessons with tech integration. If you are new to tech or a well versed tech vet you will take away ideas that will make your work more interesting and enjoyable.